Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Art Journal Selection

This is the journal that I will be following for the semester.

1 comment:

Carl Bogner said...

Mariella -
Great choice - I mean, c'mon! You get to read Amy Taubin writing about Wong Kar wai's Ashes of Time! One of my favorite critics writing about one of my favorite movies. You didn't happen to catch any of the Wong Kar wai movies playing this weekend at the Union Theatre, did you?

Pardon my gush, but again this site will be a good platform from which to consider contemporary media. As you see from its table of contents, it pursues the media in a number of different directions.

While there is plenty here to consider, I would encourage you to check out other sections, non film sections of the same publication. It's considerations of other media, other modes of exhibition should also be of interest, I think.

Be sure to check out the guidelines for the next blog assignment, now posted on the D2L site. Blogs are due by 29 October.

And your filmstrips look lovely posted here. Will forward on to Mr. Schaller, if that is okay. (Also, am I an old man or is your font here somewhat small?)